Dashboard Central

Streamline Your Marketing Insight

Consolidate all marketing data in one dashboard. Track performance metrics, analyze trends, manage campaigns, and optimize strategies with ease.

Centralized Dashboard View

A unified dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of marketing campaigns, including opportunities, pipeline value, conversion rates, and the distribution of different stages in the marketing funnel.

Lead Source Reporting

Detailed reports on the sources of leads, enabling marketers to pinpoint which channels are most effective and allocate resources accordingly.

Automation and Integration

Integration with various marketing tools and platforms, providing a seamless experience and the ability to automate certain processes for efficiency.

Opportunity Tracking

Visualization of opportunities within the funnel, helping users to track the progress of leads and identify potential areas for improvement.

Pipeline Value and Conversion Rates

Insight into the overall value of the marketing pipeline and conversion rates, offering a clear understanding of the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Customizable Dashboards

The ability to create multiple dashboards tailored to specific needs or aspects of the marketing strategy, ensuring that relevant data is easily accessible.

See your business in motion

How Does Smart 1 Suite Compare?


Smart 1 Suite Advantage: 

Offers a more cost-effective solution, particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses with budget constraints.

Provides a more user-friendly interface, making it easier for teams to adopt and utilize the full range of features effectively.

Features more comprehensive integration capabilities, seamlessly connecting with a wider range of third-party tools and platforms.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Smart 1 Suite Advantage: 

Delivers a more simplified and intuitive user experience, reducing the complexity often associated with Salesforce’s extensive feature set.

Offers more personalized customer support, ensuring businesses can more effectively implement and leverage the dashboard for their specific needs.

Provides more flexible and customizable dashboard options, allowing for a more tailored view of marketing metrics and analytics.


Smart 1 Suite Advantage: 

Features a more comprehensive set of tools in one platform, reducing the need for additional software and integrations.

Offers more advanced automation capabilities, enabling businesses to streamline their marketing processes more efficiently.

Includes more in-depth analytics and reporting features, providing deeper insights into marketing performance and ROI.


Smart 1 Suite Advantage: 

Provides a broader range of analytics and data visualization tools, offering more nuanced insights into customer behavior and marketing effectiveness.

Offers more robust data integration and management features, ensuring a seamless flow of information across various marketing channels.

Delivers a more cost-effective solution, providing powerful analytics and dashboard capabilities at a more accessible price point.

Google Analytics

Smart 1 Suite Advantage: 

Offers a more holistic view of marketing efforts, beyond just website analytics, including social media, email campaigns, and CRM data.

Provides more detailed and customizable reporting options, catering to the specific needs and goals of the business.

Includes more actionable insights and recommendations, helping businesses not only understand their data but also how to improve their marketing strategies.

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