Robust Features

Extensive Features. Workflow simplified.

Whether it's communicating with customers, consolidation of scheduling, managing reputation, or using cutting edge tools to generate content, Smart 1 Suite has it all!

Online Scheduling

Customizable Appointment Settings:

  • Appointment Title: Personalize the name for each appointment.
  • Event Color: Choose a specific color for events to easily differentiate them in your calendar.

Managing Availability:

  • Slot Duration: Define the duration of each appointment, such as 30 minutes or 1 hour.
  • Slot Interval: Set the frequency at which appointments can be scheduled.
  • Buffer Duration Between Appointments: This setting creates a time interval between appointments, ensuring a buffer period for preparation or travel.
  • Appointments Per Slot: Limit the number of appointments that can be booked for a given time slot.
  • Appointments Per Day: Set a maximum number of appointments per day to manage workload effectively.

Scheduling Notice and Range:

  • Minimum Scheduling Notice: Specify the notice period required before an appointment, such as 24 hours.
  • Date Range: Set the period in which events can be scheduled, like 30 days in advance.

Office Hours Settings:

  • Customize the days and hours during which appointments can be booked.

Confirmation Settings:

  • Custom Form: Create a personalized form for the booking widget.
  • Use Sticky Contact: Track the journey of contacts and store information they have provided.
  • Use Stripe Payment: Integrate with Stripe for payment processing (if your account has Stripe integration).

Notification and Additional Options:

  • Auto Confirm Appointments: Automatically confirm appointments booked on your calendar.
  • Email Alerts to Assigned Group Members: Send appointment alert emails to specific group members.
  • Google Calendar Integration: Allow Google Calendar to notify attendees of appointments.
  • Rescheduling and Cancellation Options: Enable clients to reschedule or cancel appointments.
  • Additional Notes and Pixel ID: Add extra instructions or tracking pixels to appointments.
  • Form Submission Redirect URL: Redirect visitors to a specific page after appointment confirmation.
  • Customize Thank You Message: Personalize the message displayed after booking.

Calendar Access and Management:

  • View and manage your appointments directly from the dashboard.
  • Filter and switch between different calendars and views (monthly, weekly, or daily).
  • Add and manage appointments, including editing and deleting, directly on your calendar.
  • Block off time for vacations, PTO, or meetings and insert these into your calendar.

Reputation Center

Reputation Overview Dashboard:

  • Invite Goals: Displays predetermined incremental goals for review invites, which increase as each goal is achieved.
  • Reviews Received: Shows the number of reviews received based on the selected time filter, pulling in reviews from Google and Facebook.
  • Online Listings: For users with Yext enabled, this section provides an overview of online listings and allows for their management.
  • Average Rating: Calculates the average rating from the total number of reviews and the total number of stars given within the selected time frame.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Utilizes Google's AI to determine the sentiment (positive or negative) of reviews from Facebook and Google.
  • Invite Trends: Displays the total outbound review requests sent via SMS and email channels within a chosen time frame.
  • Review Trends: Provides a visual bar graph of reviews received month over month.
  • Latest Review Requests: Lists recent review invites, including recipient details and the date sent.
  • Latest Reviews: Shows the most recent reviews received along with the contact details of the reviewers.

Reviews Tab:

  • Offers the ability to filter and respond directly to Google and Facebook reviews within the CRM.

Additional Tools and Functionalities:

  • Customization of review request messages (SMS/Email).
  • Dispute management for Google reviews.
  • Integration with a review widget for showcasing reviews.
  • Sending and managing review requests effectively.

Social Media Scheduler

Integration with Multiple Social Media Platforms: The Social Planner allows for the integration of various social media accounts including Facebook, Google My Business, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok. This enables users to manage multiple accounts from a single interface.

Scheduling and Managing Posts: Users can schedule posts across different platforms and manage them from a centralized dashboard. This includes options to create new posts, save drafts, and plan the posting schedule according to specific needs.

Recurring Post Scheduling: A key feature of the Social Planner is the ability to create recurring posts. This means users can schedule posts to repeat at regular intervals - daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly. This is particularly useful for evergreen content or regular updates.

Flexible Content Creation and Editing: The tool allows for the creation and customization of social media content, with the ability to include various media types like images and videos. Users can also edit both parent (original) and child (scheduled) posts.

Monitoring and Tracking: The Social Planner provides statistics such as the number of connected social accounts, total posts, and posts per day, offering insights into the social media activity.

Calendar View for Scheduled Posts: Users can view their scheduled posts in a calendar format, making it easier to visualize and manage the content strategy over time.

Customization and Strategy: The tool allows for significant customization, including setting specific days for posting, choosing date ranges, and selecting post times. This helps in aligning the social media strategy with the overall marketing goals.

Platform-Specific Considerations: It's important to be aware of the policies of specific social platforms, especially when scheduling recurring content, as some platforms may have restrictions or guidelines that affect how content is distributed.

Accessibility and Compliance: The tool encourages the inclusion of accessible content and compliance with legal and ethical considerations, especially when using media and content from various sources.

Content AI

AI-Powered Writing Assistant: Content AI acts as an AI-powered writing assistant, capable of generating various types of content quickly and effectively.

Content Customization: It allows users to create content with a specific tone, tailoring the output to match the desired style and voice.

Content Improvement: The tool also includes functionality to improve writing quality, including grammar and spelling corrections, and the ability to make content longer or shorter depending on the requirements.

Diverse Content Creation: It's useful for generating text for social posts, blogs, emails, and SMS messages.

Image AI

Image Generation from Descriptions: The Image AI feature creates unique images based on user-provided descriptions. Users can input a description of the image they want, select the number of variations, and choose a style for the image, which the AI then processes to generate a fitting image.

Variety of Styles: The tool offers a range of styles for image generation, including photography, digital art, fine art, and more.

Integration with Social Planner: This feature is integrated with the Social Planner, aiding in making social media posts more engaging and visually appealing.

Practical Use Cases: It's ideal for various applications, such as creating images for social media campaigns, promotional events, brand awareness posts, client testimonials, holiday greetings, educational content, and product launches.

Avoiding Promotional Language: Users are advised to avoid promotional language in image descriptions as the AI may not interpret these effectively.

Realistic Descriptions for Better Results: Providing realistic and clear descriptions helps in generating more accurate images.

Flexibility in Content Generation: Content AI is versatile in interpreting and generating images from various descriptions, including abstract or fantasy themes.

2-way SMS Messaging

SMS Templates: Create and save templates for frequently sent messages, streamlining the process of sending standard responses or notifications.

Phone Number Integration: Set up a phone number for SMS communication within Smart 1 Suite choosing between Lead Connector or Twilio for integration. You can buy local or toll-free numbers for the sub-account.

Modify Mobile Information: Configure details like forwarding numbers, caller ID, and call recording. Compliance with call recording laws is crucial.

A2P 10DLC Campaign Registration: Register for A2P 10DLC campaigns, a necessary step for sending SMS messages in the US.

Manual SMS Setup: Create workflows for manual SMS messages, adding a personal touch to automated campaigns.

Direct Messaging and Scheduling: Send SMS messages directly to contacts with flexible scheduling options, including immediate sending, scheduled delivery, and drip mode for paced messaging.

Automated Replies and SMS Opt-In Campaigns: Integrate SMS capabilities with automated workflows for specific responses and campaigns.


Members Management: Allows structured and regulated community management, detailing how to establish and maintain a community.

Content Management: Enables group admins and members to create, manage, and interact with posts and channels.

Private/Public Groups: Administrators can create private groups for confidential discussions or public groups for broader engagement.

Email Invitation for Group Members: Admins can invite individuals to groups using an email invitation feature, simplifying the member addition process.

Community Tagging Feature: Facilitates member engagement by mentioning specific members in posts and comments.

Featured Posts (Pinned Posts): Admins can highlight important content in channels.

Paid Groups: Offers the ability to monetize both public and private communities.

Learning Tab (Courses): Admins can add free courses, providing community members with easy access to educational content.

Workflow Triggers: For granting and revoking group access, allowing for dynamic community management.

Premium  Actions

Inbound Webhook: This feature allows external systems to send data automatically to your CRM. It triggers workflows in your CRM by sending an HTTP POST request to a specific URL when an event occurs in the external system, enhancing CRM functionality by seamless integration with other systems.

Google Sheets Action: This action enables automation of tasks in Google Sheets within your workflows. Users can create, update, delete, and look up rows in Google Sheets, thereby streamlining data management processes without needing complex third-party integrations.

Slack Notifications: The Workflow Slack Premium Action allows users to automate messaging within Slack. Users can send targeted messages to specific users, private or public channels in their Slack workspace, enhancing communication efficiency.

Custom Outbound Webhook: This feature facilitates real-time communication between your CRM and third-party services. It allows custom data requests to specified URLs using various HTTP methods and authorization types, along with the addition of headers, query parameters, and custom values. This ensures efficient and accurate data exchange.

Date/Time Formatter: This action provides the ability to reformat date and time structures, as well as compare dates within workflows, streamlining date-related calculations and decision-making.

Number Formatter: Offers seamless number formatting capabilities, converting and standardizing numbers, currencies, and phone numbers for various applications and regions.

Workflow AI-Chat GPT: Incorporates AI into workflows for tasks such as content generation, email crafting, and intent recognition, enhancing automation and personalization within the CRM.

Smart Workflow

Dynamic and Contextual Responses: Workflow AI utilizes advanced AI like GPT-4 to generate responses that are dynamic and contextually aware. This enhances communication processes by responding intelligently to various triggers and actions within the CRM.

Integration with Various Platforms: It supports integration with multiple platforms, including social media, e-commerce, and learning management systems, facilitating diverse applications and enhancing workflow automation.

Complex Task Handling: The AI can handle intricate data formatting and computations, ensuring precision and efficiency in operations.

Custom Prompts for Responses: Users can create dynamic email and SMS replies by generating responses based on custom prompts.

Intent Gauging: Workflow AI can gauge the intent of a message, whether positive or negative, and respond accordingly.

Language Translation: It has the capability to translate messages into any language.

Temperature Control for AI Responses: Users can set a “temperature value” between 0 and 1 for messages, where higher values produce more random outputs, and lower values result in more focused and deterministic responses.

Use Cases: Examples include social media auto-responder, automated birthday wishes, fitness progress updates, e-commerce abandoned cart recovery, webinar follow-ups, and more.

Online Scheduling

Opportunities: This section shows the number of leads currently in your pipeline.

Pipeline Value: It displays the total worth of all your leads, giving you an idea of the potential revenue these leads represent.

Conversion Rate: This metric highlights the percentage of leads that have been successfully converted (i.e., 'WON' leads/accounts).

Funnel Visualization: The dashboard provides a visual representation of the stages your opportunities are in within your Pipeline. This can help in understanding the flow and progress of leads through your sales process.

Stages Distribution: This is typically represented as a cycle graph and gives an overview of the distribution of opportunities across different stages of your sales pipeline.

Manual Actions Overview: This section provides a summary of manual actions required or completed, such as follow-ups or specific tasks.

Tasks List: The dashboard can display a list of tasks assigned to one or all users within your account, helping in task management and prioritization.

Lead Source Report: You can review the origin and value of your leads in this section. It helps in understanding which marketing channels or strategies are most effective in generating leads.

Customizability: The dashboard can be customized, with options to create multiple dashboards tailored to specific needs, clone existing dashboards for similar setups, manage permissions for collaborative or private access, and more.

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